Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Do Eat Breakfast - 951 Words

After finishing collecting the data, I made a spreadsheet, breaking down the food I ate into the macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. I began comparing the foods I consumed to the macronutrient breakdown provided in order to search for a pattern. My diet consists of mainly lean game meat, such as venison, as well as fish, such as salmon. Additionally, I generally consume a salad every day, in the form of spinach or kale, as well as fruits and nuts. My breakfast is more sporadic. When I do eat breakfast, it is generally either oatmeal, fruit, a granola bar, or yogurt. While I have other foods dispersed throughout my diet, these are the main patterns that I noticed. After, I averaged the percentages of each category for the two†¦show more content†¦Consequently, â€Å"for those who prefer a diet rich in protein, the higher protein diet (48% carbohydrate, 25% protein, and 27% fat) provides a healthful alternative to certain popular diets that commonly emphasize r ed meats and other foods high in saturated fat or cholesterol† (Swain, Mccarron, Hamilton, Sacks, Appel, 2008). One study, done by Swain et al., compared various diets against the daily nutritional requirements. When comparing these diets, researchers found that â€Å"compared to baseline, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol levels, and estimated coronary heart disease risk were lower on each diet and lowest on the higher protein diet. Blood triglyceride levels were reduced only in the higher protein and higher unsaturated fat diets† (Swain, Mccarron, Hamilton, Sacks, Appel, 2008). As such, consuming a diet higher in lean protein may help to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, amongst other diseases. Given my family history of heart disease and other cardiovascular related issues, following a regimen, such as this, will be quite beneficial to my health. While the type of foods I consumed generally remained the same, the caloric consumption varied widely. Furtherm ore, my diet contains staples that were evident in this trial, as well as before and after. However, this seventeen day trial may not be entirely accurate as a whole. The macronutrient breakdown is most likely correct and stable throughout. 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