Thursday, September 3, 2020
Family Curfews: Can Not Keep Teens Out of Trouble
Searching for opportunity is human instinct. Everybody needs to have their own reality to oversee. When you were an adolescent, you looked for autonomy and attempted to choose without anyone else, yet when you become a parent, would you be able to even now make sure to leave your kids alone free and have confidence in them? Most guardians will overlook the inclination they encountered when they were adolescents and neglected to make the things right when they become mothers or fathers. They set a great deal of rules at home for their children and some of the time even severe family curfews. Be that as it may, accomplish they work? Could they truly keep youngsters in the clear, or do they exacerbate it? Guardians like to give curfews for their youngsters like ââ¬Å"you need to return home at XX timeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"you can not go anyplace without my permission,â⬠and so on. On the off chance that they are grounded, they may oppose it and fall into difficulty at times. In Irvine's (2009) article, she refers to Sanchez's words that giving family curfews resembles ââ¬Å"putting a Band-Aid on the problemâ⬠(para. 25). You can not take care of the issue your youngsters experience or forestall the difficulty that may transpire by setting curfews since curfews may cause PC game and sex entertainment addictions, and family clashes which isn't useful for working up the adolescents character or keeping them sound. Family curfews may prompt PC game addictions. On the off chance that guardians give their kids curfews that they need to remain at home since a specific time, and in light of the fact that guardians regard their security, adolescents may close themselves in their rooms and accomplish something that guardians don't anticipate. Moreover, teenagers all have their own PCs these days, so it's simple for them to have PC game addictions. They will play online PC games since they can not go out and play, and they don't have different activities at home. That is a sort of difficulty that could be welcomed on by curfews, and a ton of guardians scarcely notice that their children are having some major issues. PC game enslavement is a horrendous conduct since it is something incredible. Youngsters who like to play those games are in every case simple to be pulled in by the dreamland that developed in those games and they are bound to overlook their examinations, loved ones. Now and then since they don't have a feeling of accomplishment in their reality, they will lose themselves in the invented existence where they can get a fanciful feeling of achievement. It's hazardous for adolescents to disappear to the online world to repay their disappointment in actuality and carry on savagely to which they gain from vicious computer games, and curfews give a few youngsters pardons for remaining at home and doing these ââ¬Å"geekâ⬠things. There was a news report from Nan Fang Daily, and Li (2003) said that a multi year-old kid, whose guardians gave him a time limit, was directed to a genuine fixation of PC games. At the point when the guardians at last discovered, they attempted numerous approaches to take care of this issue, however the kid was so into it and couldn't resist playing PC games. Inevitably he fled from home and never returned in light of the fact that he was unable to persevere through the twofold weight from PC game enslavement and from guardians. That is plainly shows that curfews can not keep teenagers in the clear, they can in any event, present to them some extreme issue, and PC game habit is one of them. Much the same as PC game enslavement, sex entertainment dependence can be another awful conduct brought about by family curfews. At the point when teenagers are constrained by guardians to remain at home, they will discover an outlet to vent their discontent, and they may enjoy erotic entertainment on the web. These days, it's simple for individuals to catch some explicit sites inadvertently when they surf on the web. Since youngsters are individuals that are consistently inquisitive about everything, particularly sex, it's increasingly workable for them to investigate when they experience those destinations. Also, there are such a significant number of explicit sites on the web, and individuals can without much of a stretch open them, watch them, or even download them. For youngsters, these sorts of sites give the specific information that they long for. As indicated by Family Safe Media (2001), the 12 to multi year-old gathering is the primary watcher who search pornography on the web. So when they are requested to be at home and are ââ¬Å"workingâ⬠with their PCs, they may take a gander at those locales and afterward are dependent on them. It's simple for them to need to encounter the impression of sex in light of the fact that their hormones rise which causes them to be hasty and energetic for sex, and it's feasible for them to master something incorrectly. There was a genuine story Mueller (2005) told about somewhere in the range of multi year-old young men who were from Christian families in which the guardians were extremely exacting and made a great deal of rules. They were found having oral sex with one of their male schoolmates, which truly stunned the guardians. They figured out how to do it since one of them found a pornography website on the web and were immediately dependent on it. At that point he scanned for some progressively extraordinary locales and advised his companions to watch and attempt to do what they saw on the show. This gives us a thought that if teenagers are limited a lot at home and invest a great deal of energy with themselves which resembles giving them curfews, they may have PC enslavement in erotic entertainment which is conceivable to place themselves in grave peril. Family curfews, also, can bring about family clashes. As we as a whole know, adolescents effortlessly become irate, unreliable, confounded, delicate and incautious. They will in general be increasingly free and have extreme should be acknowledged by others. On the off chance that there are severe guardians in the families who give their kids curfews constantly, their youngsters won't tune in however battle against them like Marmer said in Irvine's (2009) article, ââ¬Å"If you continue telling children ââ¬Ëno' constantly and don't give them a ââ¬Ëyes' part, they're going to rebelâ⬠(para. 8). There are a ton of families wherein guardians set numerous guidelines for the youngsters that cause family clashes. Young people who are encountering pre-adulthood perhaps will have the converse brain research towards guardians. At the point when guardians gives curfews, a few youngsters may contend for their privileges of being free and make manages their folks where case their response can be acknowledged, yet others may challenge the parental power. They likely become angry and forceful which may prompt quarreling or battling with their folks, and they will be threatening and baffled that could achieve cold war with their folks and result in fleeing from home or in any event, carrying out self destruction and a few violations in the long run. Besides, in light of the fact that a few adolescents are required to remain at home, they can not stay in contact with their companions or colleagues. They may get withdrawn, separated, and adverse when they interface with individuals, and they may turn out to be less dynamic in the two games and social exercises, which may have terrible impacts on their physical and mental wellbeing. As per Fox News (2009), a multi year-old New Mexico kid killed his dad with his dad's rifle since his dad was in every case extremely exacting to him by giving serious curfews and some of the time disciplines. That drove the kid be crazy and forceful, feel discouraged and disregarded and need to revolt constantly which bring about this amazing result. This shows curfews can cause family clashes or even adolescent violations by influencing teenagers' conduct and contorting youngsters' character which will bring genuine family or social issues. To finish up, we ought not implement family curfews on teenagers since they can not keep youngsters in the clear, and they may bring more difficulties. To start with, they may cause PC game habit. On the off chance that you keep your kids at home, and afterward stay out of other people's affairs and leave them with their PCs in their rooms, they may turn out to be immediately dependent on PC ames instead of have social exercises since they are stuck at home. PC game fixation which can be brought about by curfews is unsafe for youngsters' development. Second, family curfews can likewise prompt sex entertainment compulsion. At the point when teenagers are compelled to remain at home with their PC as organization for them, they may effortlessly enjoy sex entertainment on the web and this sort of interest may bring some perilous issue which impacts the adolescents' physical and mental wellbeing. Likewise, family curfews can bring about genuine family clashes since adolescents are bound to revolt when the guardians set a great deal of severe standards or keep them from their companions. This may prompt extreme clashes among teenagers and guardians that can bring about horrendous individual and social issues, for example, self destruction and vicious wrongdoing. Setting family curfews isn't the most ideal approach to keep adolescents from experiencing difficulty. What we have to do is discuss more with them and offer insightful guidance in the suitable second like Berger said in Springen's (2010) article, ââ¬Å"The adolescent ought to have his own great sense to control him when the time has come to come homeâ⬠(para. 11). Reference Family Safe Media. (2011). The most effective method to battle sex entertainment. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://familysafemedia. com/fight_the_porn_addiction. html Fox News. (2009, November 03). New Mexico kid accused of homicide in father's passing. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://www. foxnews. com/story/0,2933,571527,00. html? test=latestnews Irvine, M. 2009, February 11). America's check in time banter. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2004/02/03/national/main597788. shtml Li, S. (2003, September 05). PC game compulsion: Who is capable?. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://gd. nfdaily. cn/content/2003-09/05/content_1520700. htm Mueller, W. (2005). Adolescents and pornography:alw ays awful, deteriorating. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://www. cpyu. organization/Page. aspx? id=163417 Springen, K. (2010, September 17). Curfews: Yes or no?. Recovered (12/05/11) from http://family. lifegoesstrong. com/curfews-yes-or-no
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Blakes View of the Church, Government, and God :: William Blake Poetry Poems Essays
Blake's View of the Church, Government, and God William Blake 1757-1827 was conceived is Soho, London. He lived in London all through an amazing majority and during his life saw numerous things that influenced him. While strolling through London Blake made some long memories to think. He recognized that England was a rich and ground-breaking nation and afterward asked why neediness was still in presence. Blake didn't go to class however he was instructed at home utilizing references from the Holy Bible. Blake was exceptionally condemning of the congregation the legislature what's more, God since he believed that they could accomplish more to end neediness; he was likewise incredulous of the treacheries that were uncovered upon society. He was a strict man; he had a lot of impact from the Heavenly Bible. He accepted that the spirit was separated into equal parts, great and awful. He made four dreams from which he saw the world. In the wake of seeing the destitution and imbalances that were in London Blake made an interpretation of them into profoundly important and critical verse. He additionally showed his contemplations as types of workmanship; Blake was a sharp craftsman and functioned as an etcher in Westminster Abbey. Blake didn't appreciate seeing destitution yet what he abhorred seeing the most were kids or then again indulges confronting the brutal real factors. He trusted them to be indications of honesty and was disturbed when they were abused. ââ¬Å"I have no nameâ⬠¦ Euphoria is my nameâ⬠¦ Sweet euphoria come to pass for thee.â⬠These are lines taken from Blakeââ¬â¢s sonnet Infant Joy; they unmistakably show Blakeââ¬â¢s love of youngsters. The sonnet is demonstrating another conceived child who is glad and brimming with life. The main sentence where the child has no name could imply that the child couldn't be set into any class of dreams. At present the infant is in two overlap dreams which is the place it could move into three overlap vision and carry on with a decent existence with training and satisfaction. On the other hand the child could move into single vision which is a cruel life where the infant would be subdued. The infant at that point calls itself delight with the goal that it tends to be upbeat and live an euphoric life. The last line shows that the mother is wishing the child a real existence brimming with satisfaction. This sonnet, Infant Joy, has been taken from an assortment of sonnets called ââ¬ËSongs of Innocence. ââ¬ËSongs of Innocenceââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËSongs of Experienceââ¬â¢ are two assortments of sonnets that were composed by Blake. They are Blakeââ¬â¢s most acclaimed sonnet assortments and they as it were discovered fame after his demise. Blake utilizes instances of complexity in his work, from his vision we can
Friday, August 21, 2020
Health Care – Paper
The office needs to take in the same number of inhabitants' as it could without having the patients' hold up an incredibly lengthy timespan. Executing systems referenced beneath will give offices better surveys from patients' further telling others about how effective the staff is tied in with getting patients' seen quicker. At the point when a patient comes in to see a specialist just because, they are given a pile of papers which gives the specialist, and clinical Insurance authority data on clinical Insurance, socioeconomics, clinical history, family ancestry, thus on.This Is a procedure which draws out the hang tight time for the new patient. This can without much of a stretch be fixed by Implementing a system to which patient's round out enrollment structures online at their own time before the arrangement. An approach to promote this system Is to have a transfer include on the training's site to where the patient can likewise send duplicates of the protection card and ID to the training. This strategy would then be able to be checked into their electronic clinical record software.If the patient doesn't claim a PC, or approach the Internet, they can have the choice to have the structures sent to them. Another methodology to execute on powerful patient admission is to have a card framework here each card is relegated a patient and once swiped, gives the clinical protection authority the data on the patient. The patient can either convey the card, or the training can keep them close by. Having a card framework will guarantee patient's Intake procedure Is quick, just as the patient being looked at fast.Having a card framework will permit a quicker method to which a clinical Insurance master can transfer data sent from the patient through the training's site onto the card framework and the electronic clinical record programming. To improve a specialist's office further, executing a procedure to where a patient will to be checked whether over 10 minutes late wi ll likewise improve the time which a patient is seen by a specialist. As per Cootie, Patella, and Gonzalez (2008), ââ¬Å"On-time patients were found to have a more drawn out hold up time once in the test space for the doctor than those that were late (14. Ã'â ± 9. 2 minutes versus 11. 0 Ã'â ± 8. 4 minutes, P = . 005); be that as it may, those patients invested an essentially longer energy with the physicianâ⬠(Para. 1). On the off chance that patients' know about a late appearance, they will be increasingly skilled to showing up on schedule. This methodology will Improve how quick patients' are being seen with the measure of time being confined on every patient. This technique can be expressed In the training's arrangements which are given to a patient upon enlistment and made mindful of around then. There can likewise come into the office.When a patient comes in and registers at the front office, there are different individuals dealing with a wide range of undertakings, f or example, picking up the telephones, checking in patients. Entering tolerant data and taking patient's to rooms where their heartbeat, weight, and explanation behind visit is brought down. In light of these multi-testers, it is normally hard to get understanding enrolled quick enough to be seen. Thus, at a bustling office, there ought to be one individual committed to enrolling patients to boost the productivity of patient intake.This will likewise guarantee that all data from the patient is precise. This will likewise guarantee that built up patients' data is present and cutting-edge. With the execution of these procedures to improve quiet admission, patients' will feel better realizing they can have a visit to the specialist without holding up quite a while. Patients' additionally search for specialist's practices to where the hold up time is short between all procedures of admission.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Become Your Dream Business Schools Valentine
Looking for swoon-worthy MBA application tips that will help you capture the hearts of even the stoniest admissions committee members? Read on! 1. Demonstrate your natural ability to succeed in the b-school classroom. Present an outstanding undergrad transcript and competitive test scores. Donââ¬â¢t have the stats you should? Prove your abilities by getting Aââ¬â¢s in business-related classes or by earning certificates like the CPA. Retake the test when your score doesnââ¬â¢t score. 2. Express your intentions. The admissions board may not be the father of the bride, but the members do want to make sure that youââ¬â¢ve got your head on straight and that youââ¬â¢re heading into this ââ¬Å"relationshipâ⬠with honorable intentions. If asked, make sure you can answer the following questions: What are your short-term goals? What are your long-term goals? How have your past experiences (personal, educational, and career) led you to this point in your life? If not asked, be prepared to answer during interviews. 3. Show that you share common values. What better way to win the hearts of the adcom than by showing that youââ¬â¢re all on the same page. Demonstrate that you have the leadership skills they seek, the capacity for intellectual growth they demand, and the same commitment to community and global advancement that they embrace. In other words, check out the schoolââ¬â¢s mission, and, without parroting it back, demonstrate that you have similar ideals. 4. Prove that youââ¬â¢ll make them proud. You donââ¬â¢t want to be the lover who never meets the friends or family. You want to earn the status of an out-in-the-open committed relationship. You want your target school to say, ââ¬Å"Look here world, we love this guy and weââ¬â¢re proud to have him at our school and as an alum!â⬠Earn that status by showing the contributions youââ¬â¢ve made and the commitments youââ¬â¢ve had in the past ââ¬â that you have a history, and thereby a habit, of getting the job done, getting it done well, and earning the respect and praise of those around you. Youââ¬â¢ve stood out in the past for being an amazing leader/innovator/collaborator/something else, so thereââ¬â¢s a good chance youââ¬â¢ll stand out in this next phase of your life as well. 5. Show that youââ¬â¢re not just a pretty face, but that youââ¬â¢ve got personality to boot. Make sure that your essay supplements all the stats and data in the rest of your b-school application by illustrating some of your brilliant and likeable personality traits. A straight-A report card canââ¬â¢t possibly prove your integrity; but a vignette about how you caught a glitch in an invoice that favored a client and reported it despite pressure to cover it up ââ¬â that shows integrity. (Letters of recommendation are another good place to display these non-measurable traits, skills, and talents.) Hereââ¬â¢s to winning the love you deserve! Happy Valentineââ¬â¢s Day from Accepted! ; For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more.à Want an MBA admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: â⬠¢ Leadership in Admissions, a free guide â⬠¢ Get Accepted to B-School with Low Stats, on-demand webinar â⬠¢ Demonstrating Passion in Your Essays Become Your Dream Business Schools Valentine Looking for swoon-worthy MBA application tips that will help you capture the hearts of even the stoniest admissions committee members? Read on! 1. Demonstrate your natural ability to succeed in the b-school classroom. Present an outstanding undergrad transcript and competitive test scores. Donââ¬â¢t have the stats you should? Prove your abilities by getting Aââ¬â¢s in business-related classes or by earning certificates like the CPA. Retake the test when your score doesnââ¬â¢t score. 2. Express your intentions. The admissions board may not be the father of the bride, but the members do want to make sure that youââ¬â¢ve got your head on straight and that youââ¬â¢re heading into this ââ¬Å"relationshipâ⬠with honorable intentions. If asked, make sure you can answer the following questions: What are your short-term goals? What are your long-term goals? How have your past experiences (personal, educational, and career) led you to this point in your life? If not asked, be prepared to answer during interviews. 3. Show that you share common values. What better way to win the hearts of the adcom than by showing that youââ¬â¢re all on the same page. Demonstrate that you have the leadership skills they seek, the capacity for intellectual growth they demand, and the same commitment to community and global advancement that they embrace. In other words, check out the schoolââ¬â¢s mission, and, without parroting it back, demonstrate that you have similar ideals. 4. Prove that youââ¬â¢ll make them proud. You donââ¬â¢t want to be the lover who never meets the friends or family. You want to earn the status of an out-in-the-open committed relationship. You want your target school to say, ââ¬Å"Look here world, we love this guy and weââ¬â¢re proud to have him at our school and as an alum!â⬠Earn that status by showing the contributions youââ¬â¢ve made and the commitments youââ¬â¢ve had in the past ââ¬â that you have a history, and thereby a habit, of getting the job done, getting it done well, and earning the respect and praise of those around you. Youââ¬â¢ve stood out in the past for being an amazing leader/innovator/collaborator/something else, so thereââ¬â¢s a good chance youââ¬â¢ll stand out in this next phase of your life as well. 5. Show that youââ¬â¢re not just a pretty face, but that youââ¬â¢ve got personality to boot. Make sure that your essay supplements all the stats and data in the rest of your b-school application by illustrating some of your brilliant and likeable personality traits. A straight-A report card canââ¬â¢t possibly prove your integrity; but a vignette about how you caught a glitch in an invoice that favored a client and reported it despite pressure to cover it up ââ¬â that shows integrity. (Letters of recommendation are another good place to display these non-measurable traits, skills, and talents.) Hereââ¬â¢s to winning the love you deserve! Happy Valentineââ¬â¢s Day from Accepted! ; For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more.à Want an MBA admissions expertà to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Related Resources: â⬠¢ Leadership in Admissions, a free guide â⬠¢ Get Accepted to B-School with Low Stats, on-demand webinar â⬠¢ Demonstrating Passion in Your Essays
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Antigone Speech - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1195 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/05/20 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Antigone Essay Did you like this example? Antigone Speech In Sophocles play, Antigone, tell us the fate of the main character by choosing what is morally right, or to follow the law of the state. In the play, Antigone brother, Polyneices dies in a war between him and his brother Eteocles. He was considered a traitor to the Theban people, and will not receive a proper burial ordered by the King, Kreon. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Antigone Speech" essay for you Create order Antigone believing that Kreon decree is unjust, took the matter into her own hands and buried her brother Polyneices. She is then taken to the king, defending her stance of burying her brother. She uses her speech in defense of her action. In her speech, she uses hints, expression, and peculiar sentence arrangement to make her argument more effective. In Antigone speech, she put into consideration to her audience to make it more powerful. One of these audiences is Kreon the current king of Thebes. He questions her defiance against the state law. In the text, Kreon states, And still your dared to violate the law? in which Antigone responds I deny that your edicts since you a mere man, imposed them (Antigone 718 Line 486 492). This shows that the argument is directed towards King Kreon. The other audience is the people of Thebes. In the play, the chorus is the representation of the citizen of Thebes. They are present when the Kreon is speaking, including the argument scene between him and Antigone. So, then Antigone form her argument to appeal the emotion and the mindset of the citizens. Antigoners has a main purpose during her speech which is focused on the two audiences, Kreon and the citizens of Thebes. In remarks to Kreon, Antigoners intention is to convey that even after being caught, she does not fear his power, and her soon to be punishment. Her motive was to show him the humanity in her action, and the transgression of her beliefs. To show this, she refers to her death as insignificant because it is a straightforward result to what she thinks is a humane action. In the text, she says, my own death isnt going to bother me, but I would be devastated to see my motherrs son die and rot unburied (Antigone 718 Line 503). In the second half of her statement, shows that her morality, not Kreon law, have control over her actions, emotion, and commitment to her faith. The other purpose is to gain sympathy from the citizen of Thebes. She wants the citizen to see who is really at fault here, not her but Kreon. She makes inferences to generally understand the idea, for example, the power of Gods over the power of man. This is to remind the people about their religious integrity when considering the current situation. In support of Antigone argument, she appeals to the morals and emotion of the audiences. She starts off her speech by defending her action with hints to God. Which she uses this to appeal the Thebans beliefs by saying that Kreon laws dont agree with the ideas expressed by the Gods, meaning she does not have to abide by that law. In the text, she says, I did it. It wasnt Zeus who issued me this order. And Justice who lived below was not involved. They never condone it! (Antigone 718 Line 486-490). Antigone wanted to show the people that the gods would have wanted her brother Polyneices soul to pass on to the afterlife, even with a traitorous status. She also says that the will of gods is to be complete forever, no matter what man run man rules Thebes. She says Their laws are not ephemeral, they werent made yesterday, and they will last forever (Antigone 718 Line 493-494). This statement is to remind the citizen that their morals are not indirect, as they are consistent. She uses this for Polyneicesrs right to burial in the eyes of the Gods. Antigone then uses emotion to gain sympathy from her audience. In order for her to do this, she mentions the unfortunate circumstances of her past. She tells the audiences of death that is around her whole life. Antigone gives refers to the murder of her father, her mother committing suicide, and now both brothers Polyneices and Eteocles who recently died in the war. She uses death as a plague upon her family and that her death is just another set for that plague. Toward Kreon this statement supports Antigone by showing she does not fear death, and to the audience, the statement is to gain pity and their sympathy. It is as if she is trying to convince them that she deserved to live since she accepts death. In Antigoners point of view of the whole situation is important to know considering the strength of argument. She stands by on her belief and defends her decision on burying her brother as the right choice. Her morals and past experienced help shape this view. She has a strong mindset of family loyalty as play the goes on. This shows through all of her actions, by illegally burying her brother. She also has a constant displeasure towards Kreon, mainly because he assumed the throne after her father died. These experiences may have helped shaped her attitude towards Kreon apart from her discontent with the law. Antigone uses devices such as indirect references and reiteration of words, to help increase the strengthen her argument. The most common indirect references are her to speak to their Gods. She refers to the gods to having the ultimate power of any human being even kings. This is one the effective device to use because of the religious belief of the Theban. This will make her audience consider boundaries between the laws of man and the law of Gods. Knowing that the Theban has a strong religious background, to help her ensure that her speech reaches into their belief to make them think. Hinting at their religion help strengthen her argument to be more persuasive. Antigone also reiterates some words and ideas to help support her argument. The most repeated idea in the play is death. She implemented the idea of death that is around her life, telling them that her death is not important in the current situation. This idea is used to gain sympathy from the people of Thebes. It is also used against Kreon to show that his law, and not Antigone is the one at fault in the current situation. The devices she uses in her general argument help make it more persuasive. In conclusion, Antigone used her persuasiveness to support her argument when defending her action against Kreon. She uses her morals, belief, and her past life to create a strong argument for the burial of her brother. Though, she was unable to convince Kreon to stop her punishment. She managed to get the citizen on her side that she was right in her actions. She ended up hanging herself in a cave, and after many, more people have died such as Kreon son and wife. Kreon then reflected towards the end of the play and finally realizes Antigone action and words though it is too late for him to repent.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Do Eat Breakfast - 951 Words
After finishing collecting the data, I made a spreadsheet, breaking down the food I ate into the macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. I began comparing the foods I consumed to the macronutrient breakdown provided in order to search for a pattern. My diet consists of mainly lean game meat, such as venison, as well as fish, such as salmon. Additionally, I generally consume a salad every day, in the form of spinach or kale, as well as fruits and nuts. My breakfast is more sporadic. When I do eat breakfast, it is generally either oatmeal, fruit, a granola bar, or yogurt. While I have other foods dispersed throughout my diet, these are the main patterns that I noticed. After, I averaged the percentages of each category for the twoâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Consequently, ââ¬Å"for those who prefer a diet rich in protein, the higher protein diet (48% carbohydrate, 25% protein, and 27% fat) provides a healthful alternative to certain popular diets that commonly emphasize r ed meats and other foods high in saturated fat or cholesterolâ⬠(Swain, Mccarron, Hamilton, Sacks, Appel, 2008). One study, done by Swain et al., compared various diets against the daily nutritional requirements. When comparing these diets, researchers found that ââ¬Å"compared to baseline, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol levels, and estimated coronary heart disease risk were lower on each diet and lowest on the higher protein diet. Blood triglyceride levels were reduced only in the higher protein and higher unsaturated fat dietsâ⬠(Swain, Mccarron, Hamilton, Sacks, Appel, 2008). As such, consuming a diet higher in lean protein may help to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, amongst other diseases. Given my family history of heart disease and other cardiovascular related issues, following a regimen, such as this, will be quite beneficial to my health. While the type of foods I consumed generally remained the same, the caloric consumption varied widely. Furtherm ore, my diet contains staples that were evident in this trial, as well as before and after. However, this seventeen day trial may not be entirely accurate as a whole. The macronutrient breakdown is most likely correct and stable throughout. Nevertheless, theShow MoreRelatedBreakfast The Most Important Meal You Can Have During The Day1363 Words à |à 6 Pagesââ¬Å"Breakfast the most important meal you can have during the dayâ⬠By Gretel Herrera Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that eating breakfast is really important to have good health and a healthy body and mind. Thesis: If we start our day with a good meal called: ââ¬Å"breakfastâ⬠, this is going to help you to maintain a healthy body and a productive mind throughout the rest of your day. I. The Attention Step A. Attention: A. I want toRead MoreNeva Owens. Mrs. King. Ela 6Th Hour. 11 April 2017. Is837 Words à |à 4 Pages2017 Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day. What if there was unhealthy kids all over the world? Some kids donââ¬â¢t eat a nutritional breakfast everyday. Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day because your body needs energy after you wake up and it can improve your overall health. First, your body needs energy everyday after you wake up. According to ââ¬Å"Healthy Habits,â⬠experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day (Healthy Habits). Eating breakfast helpsRead MoreBenefits Of Breakfast For Students1145 Words à |à 5 Pages Benefits of Breakfast for Students Student Name UTSA IEP Writing 5 Nowadays, due to the busy pace of life, people are always in a hurry. They do not have enough time even to do something as important as eating. As a result, some people, especially students, skip the first meal of the day. They start the day without breakfast because of getting up late, lacking time to prepare breakfast, not feeling hungry in the early morning, or being on diet. However, skipping breakfast is not good forRead MoreEating Breakfast Pursuasive Speech Essay1001 Words à |à 5 PagesEATING BREAKFAST Topic: Eating a healthy breakfast; why itââ¬â¢s important for college students. Organization: Problem/Solution Specific Purpose: I want my audience to understand that there is time to eat breakfast in the morning and why, how and what breakfast can do to help your health. INTRODUCTION Attention getter: You wake up and oh man, whatââ¬â¢s that feeling? It feels like your insides are caving in and wait, wait ââ¬â youââ¬â¢re hungry. Starving actually. Oh no, you have three minutes toRead MoreBreakfast - The Most Important Meal of the Day Essay1198 Words à |à 5 PagesBreakfast represents the most important meal of the day. I chose this topic because I often forget to eat breakfast and I want to know why this is not a good practice. I already know that by eating breakfast I save myself from over indulgence later in the day. Breakfast is considered brain food because it gets me going in the morning. This information came to me from parents and previous teachers that tried to inform me that eating breakfast improves my grades. It excites me to learn more about howRead Moreeating breakfast persuasive speech Essay898 Words à |à 4 PagesEating a Good Breakfast Audience Analysis: At least half of the class skips breakfast 1-2 days a week. Therefore, I will not only focus on why breakfast is so important, and the positive results from eating breakfast, but also the negative effects from not eating breakfast in the morning. General Purpose: To persuade the audience. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that eating breakfast is important to good health. Thesis: Starting off your day with a good healthy breakfast helps youRead MoreDo Children That Eat Breakfast?1701 Words à |à 7 PagesDo children that eat breakfast have better grades than those that do not eat breakfast? I read up on this and what I found is that research indicates that there is truth to this study. Some studies have indicated that students who eat breakfast were able to perform task better, have less minimal medical problems such as depression, maintain a healthy weight and have better grades than those who skip due to not enough time or lack of appetite. ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢Not only should breakfast be a top priority for parentsRead MoreBreakfast Essay965 Words à |à 4 PagesDoes eating breakfast help school performance, this is a question that is often asked and most people do not have an answer. If breakfast is so important why does 30 percent of teenagers not eat in the morning? Most teens do not eat breakfast because they are not hungry in the morning, or there isnt enough time to make something, or there is nothing good to eat. Think of your body as a car, every night when we go to sleep we are burning off fuel and by the time we wake up there isnââ¬â¢t much fuel leftRead Mo reEating Breakfast Or Skipping It?1271 Words à |à 6 PagesAbstract Eating breakfast is a very debatable topic in the USA. Eating breakfast or skipping it can have a big effect on your day. Eating breakfast, although quite time-consuming, can have positive effects on your day, such as prolonged food satisfaction and better metabolism. By skipping the meal, you put your health at risk, especially when you regularly consume breakfast. Health risks include decreased metabolism, loss of memory and concentration. The experiment consisted of taking people andRead More Nutrition - Teaching our Children to Eat Well Essay1593 Words à |à 7 PagesNutrition - Teaching our Children to Eat Well When I look back at my experience through elementary and secondary school, and think about school lunch my memories are not cherished. The gray messy masses that smell and jiggle in a nebulous blob while the lunch lady deposits it onto my tray. No, those were not fond memories at all. I do remember having to look at the month ahead with my mother, because she wanted me to eat at least eat one school prepared meal a week. These were tough decisions
Fundamentals of Database Systems for Data - myassignmenthelp
Question: Write about theFundamentals of Database Systemsfor Data Processing. Answer: A small mail-order company must maintain the following The firm should keep track of all its clients identities, physical addresses, and the date and time of their requests/ orders. A unique client identification number must be assigned and assigned to every customer. An order placed by a client can have multiple order tags/ lines. Each tag/ line may be used by the client to order a product for a quantity. The date of the order should also be recorded. A client can assign order numbers to the orders requested. Orders from various customers might contain similar order numbers. Every product contains a product identification number, the product name and the recommended retail price(Bagui Earp, 2011). The online mail order data processing A product may be supplied by multiple suppliers. Every supplier has a unique number identifier. Different suppliers might offer a similar product at differing wholesale prices. The supplier can supply and distribute multiple products. The concurrent name and physical addresses of all the suppliers should be kept in record. A company may be in ownership of multiple warehouses. Every warehouse must be identified as per the name of the city located. Each warehouse telephone number must be kept in record. The amount of each product in stock must be logged. The warehouse may stock a variety of products(Elmasri, Ramez, B. Shamkant, Navathe, 2000). However, every warehouse should be stocked in at most one warehouse. Relational Schema Customer(C#, name, address, since) (2) Order(C#, O#, Date) (3) For(C#, O#, P#, quantity) (4) Product(P#, name, retailPrice, city, quantity) (5) Supplier(S#, name, address) (6) Supply(S#, P#, wholeSalePrice) (7) Warehouse(city, telephone#) The Use Case Diagram Bibliography Bagui, S. Earp, R., 2011. Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams , s.l.: CRC Press. Elmasri, Ramez, B. Shamkant, Navathe, 2000. Fundamentals of Database Systems, third ed.,, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, CA, USA,: s.n.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Essay Writing Tips
Essay Writing TipsFor anyone with a passion for academics, writing an essay has never been easier. In fact, since the Internet became more accessible for the general public, many people have found that they can even write their own essays online. An online supplemental essay sample is the perfect solution to enhance your writing ability and is now much easier than ever before. In this article, you will discover the various benefits of online supplemental essay samples and how to properly use them in order to improve your essay writing skills.You can find a multitude of online essays from different subjects. Some can be offered for free, while others require a fee in order to access the content. Regardless of what you choose, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind to ensure that you don't waste your time and money by trying to make the most out of the experience.Essays written online is usually not as polished or well-crafted as those published in traditional sources. This is due to the fact that the writers are simply not experienced in editing such essays. To ensure that you get the best value for your time and money, it is essential that you research a variety of websites in order to find the most suitable one. Each essay requires different formatting, grammar, and style. By getting expert guidance from experts in the field, you will be able to ensure that you receive high quality written work that can actually be published.Online essay samples are also an excellent way to gauge your writing abilities. Although it is important to find essays that will best suit your needs, you will definitely be able to see where you can make improvements. In this case, you will have a direct line to an expert who will help you make use of your strengths and weaknesses so that you are able to move on to the next level of essay writing. This ensures that you are able to polish up your skills in order to ensure that you get the job done the right way every time. The best place to start when looking for effective supplemental essay samples is to read some articles and blogs in order to gain a solid understanding of the subject matter. Aside from gaining an insight into the scope of the topic, you will also be able to review examples of essays published in different fields. Once you have this knowledge, it is time to head online and use a search engine to find websites that provide these written samples. You should be able to find these sites in order to get started and ensure that you are getting the best possible experience possible.Once you have found the right site, it is time to dive in and begin to focus on the writing process. Make sure that you spend time to practice the essay and take the time to understand how you are going to approach the document and how you will go about making your essay compelling. Make sure that you are not only studying the format of the document but also how you will be writing it. There are numerous techniq ues that you can utilize to make the best out of your experiences and ensure that you achieve the results that you are hoping for.When looking for online supplemental essay samples, it is important to remember that you will need to do your homework. Having the proper guidance, can help ensure that you get the best possible result and a workable essay that are both professional and eye-catching.
Friday, April 3, 2020
The Most Neglected Fact About Texas Essay Samples Explained
The Most Neglected Fact About Texas Essay Samples Explained How to Choose Texas Essay Samples Rather than making broad statements about what you would like to do, provide certain examples from high school or extracurricular pursuits. Once you begin your application, you may always save your progress. There can be personal information which you want considered as a member of your admissions application. There might be personal information which you want considered as a member of your admissions application. Texas Essay Samples Fundamentals Explained In legal provisions, parole is the provision where an inmate is permitted to serve the rest of the term of a jail sentence outside prison. Explain any experience or circumstance that you believe can produce the admission officers can get to learn more about you. A little one needs certain conditions to be able to live. The system of justice administration in Texas is said to be very complex with as much as five unique layers of courts. Writing the college application essay is a challenging gig. You need to read the example answers to acquire ideas about what are good varieties of answers and what are bad varieties of answers. Some students find a great deal of difficulty writing the essay, even if they have the ability to come across strong points. Today, most college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a specific topic. You are able to easily buy unique college essays and don't neglect to tell friends and family about it. Writing quality essays is the principal role of our services. Our writers always create unique content that's totally free from all grammatical error. While it's true that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely difficult to write. This formula is called projection measure. It's important to at least incorporate some adjustments to the system whenever they do not alter the system. The system has some distinctive strength regardless of the criticism it suffers. This system has a superb performance in ranking the outcome of the test done. Adoption is a solution There are several childless couples who'd be eager to supply a nice and stable home for an unwanted baby. After the mother's or child's life is in danger. So for people who need assistance with writing, we've only the people they require! Some individuals have criticized the way, where the system utilizes the grades of students to measure the operation of a school. The Do's and Don'ts of Texas Essay Samples As soon as your letter of recommendation is received, you will get an automated email. You'll receive your high quality plagiarism-free paper depending on your deadline! Ally you must do is to correctly submit your order instructions and create the payment. Please speak to us concerning the fee waiver following your second application was submitted. You wish to devote your life bringing together different kinds of people in whatever capacity, and you know that delicious food always has the choice to bring several types of people together for a nice time. Some of the absolute most essential things in life may not be purchased with money, for example, friendship, love, knowledge, honestly, spirituality. It's time to begin celebrating the attractiveness of real people and quit condemning the aging approach. Maybe some things won't ever be recovered, but y ou know this experience will forever hold a spot in your heart, and will let you live stronger each day. Texas Essay Samples Ideas Maybe you could share an anecdote from the start of your experience and one from the end. You will love our work. The crucial point here is going to be to keep it focused on you. Take time to comprehend the question being asked. The Dirty Truth About Texas Essay Samples Therefore, the city is also presentable and one might benefit from the several attraction centers in the area too. The money raised by tax payers to fund the testing in Texas can be misused by the folks working in the business of education. Instead, it tends to experience all the seasons in the year, and that includes the winter that is often cold and that is what Dubai does not have. Tying federal funds to the amount of poor individuals would help Texas, Goodman explained. How to Choose Texas Essay Samples Custom writing means a significant company with high standards. Conc entrate on the opportunities UT Austin offers across departments and the way you intend to explore as soon as you arrive on campus. Students should choose which position they need to take based upon the number and caliber of the points they're ready to come up with to support their position. With this implementation of uniforms, they do not have to worry about trying to outshine other students in dressing. What You Need to Know About Texas Essay Samples So when you have an essay assigned that you require help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. Get your creative juices flowing by brainstorming all the potential ideas you can imagine to tackle your essay question. Usually Middle school essays topics are made to concentrate very specifically on a single story or maybe to delve into one definite topic. Share an essay on any subject of your selection. The essay portion of the application is significant as it gives us more insight into who you are and who you wish to be. The essay part of the application is essential since it gives us further insight into who you are and who you wish to be. The middle school essay format is easy and rather simple to work with on each one of these styles. Always consider your reader.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Essay Topic - Gets Through a Pile of Argumentative Essays in One Shot
Essay Topic - Gets Through a Pile of Argumentative Essays in One ShotWriting an argumentative essay is the culmination of two years of intense research, exhaustive interviews, and the making of thousands of hours of research and writing. In this article I will take you through the steps you should follow if you are planning to write an argumentative essay.One of the most important criterion for your essay is to have a strategic vision. In other words, you have to be able to picture the scope of your essay and how the topic relates to your strategic vision. Make sure that you formulate what the objective of your essay is. Think about what you hope to achieve by writing this essay and what your purpose is.A second and also very important component are to get to know your target audience. This is important because you have to understand exactly who you want to convince, and how you can persuade them.Once you know the topic well, you should set about reading books and articles related to it. Start with primary sources (published and unpublished) to get an idea of the content of the essay. The problem of this approach is that if you do not have a good grasp of the subject, you are bound to make some mistakes. Remember that you are writing an argumentative essay.A third important factor in your essay is to think about your rhetorical strategy. Here you should use what has been written about the topic in the books and articles to make a better strategy for yourself and tailor it to the type of essay you want to write.Finally, you should not just write but edit your essay after it is written. A paper that is not carefully edited does not get the desired impact, but one that is well edited gets excellent impact. Your essay is your product, you must make sure that the essay is polished to the best of your ability.Once you have all these factors, make sure that you final review and polish your essay. You want to show off your writing skills and understand the point of you r essay.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
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